Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Cookies for Santa

Santa comes tonight!Yes, it's New Year's Eve, but Santa is coming to the Milam home tonight. Since we spent the Christmas holiday in California with Andrew's family, we will be celebrating Christmas on January 1st here in Texas. In the morning we'll have our own family traditions with just the 3 of us - special Christmas breakfast, exchanging gifts, saying prayers for the new year and singing Christmas songs. After nap we'll celebrate Christmas with the Kubiceks, Carissa's family. Gigi and Mommy will make a big Christmas dinner. We are so fortunate to have Gigi, Papa, Sean, Seth and lots of cousins right here in Austin. Tonight we were busy making cookies for Santa and looking forward to the day ahead!

Mixing the sugar cookie dough.
Having fun with sprinkles - pink, of course;).

Cutting out the cookies.

Leaving cookies for Santa - now we're off to bed with duck and hop-hop for sweet dreams. Merry Christmas!


Hannah said...

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Charlotte. That is so cool that you got to go to Disney Land! I think I will make that my New Year's Resolution. Go to Disney Land!


3greenbeans said...

Such fun times! I heard Santa makes special trips for those who weren't home on Christmas, he did for us as well. What a busy man!